Hidden Racers and Bonus Track
After pressing at the Title Screen, go to the Main Menu and choose Exhibition. On the next screen, pick the Drivers Option. Scroll with the pad or the Analog Stick until you reach Driver Williams. Press button
and choose the "Edit Name" Option. Using the pad, edit the last name (Williams) to the word, Chrome. When you are finished, exit all the way back to the Title Screen. Now enter the Drivers Option again and scroll until you see a new character called Silver Driver. This driver is fast on the straight-aways.
Gold Driver, do the exact same code again, but this time replace the last name with the word Pyrite.
hidden Bonus Track, do the exact same code again, but this time replace the last name with the word Vacation. Instead of the Drivers Option, go into the Courses and scroll until you see the Bonus Track, complete with a volcano!
Written by Zestorm