Blind Code
On the Main Setup Screen go to the Enter Cheats option and access it. On this screen, enter the following code: MYEYES and then press . You will see a text confirmation at the bottom of the screen that says, "MY EYES MY EYES. I'M BLIND." Now when you play a game, the background graphics will be all foggy and you will only be able to see the players clearly.
Unhittable Fastball
Select Arcade Mode. When you are pitching, hold +
and hold it until the ball reaches home plate. The batter won't be able to hit the pitch about 99% of the time.
Easier Home Runs
When you're up to bat, press the button for a power hit. If you have the pitcher aid on, and can see where the ball is going, put the power box right under it. If you have a right-handed pitcher, place the box so the pitcher aid is in the upper left (just in case the pitcher is throwing a slider or curve). If you have a left-handed pitcher, then place the box so the pitcher aid is in the upper right. If you stay under the pitcher aid and swing at the correct time, you will almost always hit a home run.
Written by Zestorm