Colors Code: At the character profile demo, press ,
. You'll hear, "Welcome." You can now choose the gold, shadow, etc. colors.
Gargos Code: At the character profile demo, press ,
. You'll hear Gargos laugh. Now he is selectable as a normal character.
Random Select: Hold and press
at the Character Selection Screen.
Music and Stage Select: In a two-player game, the first person will choose the stage and the second person will choose the music. Hold the buttons accordingly for the results:
Sabrewulf's Lair—U+1
Maya's Jungle—IJ+2
Glacius' Crash Site—U+3
Tusk's Stone Henge—U+4
Fulgore's Museum—IJ+5
Orchid's Helipad—U+6
Jago's Bridge—D+I
Gargos' Castle—D+2
Combo's Street—D+3
Kim Wu's Dojo—D+4
Spinal's Ship—D+5
Sky Stage—D+5 (both players must press them)
Written by Zestorm