Alternate Skies: Enter L, R, L, R at "Today's Game Screen." Now enter ,
for alternate skies.
Aluminum Bats: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
, for Aluminum Bats.
Colorful Bats: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
for blue bats.
Crazy Ball: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
Crazy Pitch: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
for crazy Pitch.
Credits: Enter the following code at the Title Screen to enable a Credits Option: ,
Devil's Thumb Stadium: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
Easy Home Runs: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
to always hit a home run.
Easy Steals: Go to the "Today's Game Screen" and enter ,
for easy steals.
Written by Zestorm