On the Main Menu, access the Enter Cheat Option. Now enter any of these codes for various results:
8DWNDRV - Player gets eight downs.
RNLDSWZNGR - Strength attribute for all players is at maximum.
BRDWYNMTH - Pass accuracy is set to maximum for all QBs.
WLTRPYTN - Agility attribute is set to maximum for all players.
CRLLWYS - Acceleration attribute is set to maximum for all players.
SMLMDGT - All player heights are reduced to 5'6" and weights are decreased to 145 lbs.
GLYTHMD - All player heights are 7'7" and weights are set to 400 lbs.
BBMNTBL - All player heights are 7' 7" and weights are set to 145 lbs.
BGBFYFF - All offensive players have maximum attributes.
BGBFYDF - All defensive players have maximum attributes.
GTNHNDS - Everyone fumbles the ball.
PWHYRMN - All player attributes are decreased to zero.
SPRTRBMD - All players run in Turbo Mode.
FRMBYFRM - Players move in slow motion.
NBCTCKLS - Tackle ball carrier is turned off.
SPRDPRTCKL - Always tackle
TGHTGRP - No turnovers
SPRTMMD - All player attributes are at maximum.
LDSTRTRK - When QB throws the ball, it appears in the receiver's hands.
YNSTYNS - Discipline and Awareness is set to maximum for all players.
BGTM/STRS- Ball carrier spins around constantly until he's tackled.
TRNTDLFR - QB accuracy is set to zero for all QBs.
LLDFSCK - All defensive attributes are set to zero.
LLFFSCK - All offensive attributes are set to zero.
BGSPRDV - Dive distance is greater.
SPRBGRMS - QBs throw the ball 100 yards; Kickers kick the ball 100 yards; Punters punt the ball 100 yards.
STNTXTM - Access the Acclaim, Iguana, AFC and NFC teams for quick play.
MNFLDMD - Players do a dive every three secs.
LWYSTPSS - Players always tip the ball in the air on passes.
YLCTRCFB - Players move around like an electric football game.
SNWSLDS - Sled Mode.
LLCHTSFF - Turns off any cheats that have been set.
Written by Zestorm