Nintendo64EVER - Every cheat and tip for Spider-Man
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Every cheat and tip for Spider-Man


On the main menu screen, access the “Special” menu. Highlight and enter the “Cheat” option. Now put in any of these cheats (shown in caps) on the cheat screen as shown.

Level Select: LVLSKIPPER

Invulnerable: TURTLE

Full Health: HELP ME


Comic Collection: CLTTHMALL

All Slide Shows: SMESTORY

Game Comic Covers: COV VEIW

All Sound Menu: LISTEN

Symbiote Spidey Costume: SYMBSPID

Captain Universe Costume: POWCOSMIC

Spidey 2099 Costume: SPTWOKNN

Ben Reilly Costume: DA CLONE

Peter Parker Costume: MISTERMJ

Spidey Unlimited Costume: LIMITED ED

Scarlet Spider Costume: SPID INRED

Written by Zestorm

Submitting a cheat
