Nintendo64EVER - Tous les dossiers relatifs à Shadow Man sur Nintendo 64
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Tous les dossiers relatifs à Shadow Man sur Nintendo 64

Articles issus de magazines

Espagnol¿Qué hay de real en Shadowman?

Asesinos fanáticos de la Biblia, motines carcelarios, canarios muertos con notas en su interior... Hemos preguntado a un ex-agente del FBI cuánto hay de realidad de Shadowman.

Article paru dans le magazine Magazine 64 26 (Février 2000) PDF

AnglaisShadow Man

Iguana's latest game is their most ambitious to date and marks a new direction for the company previously known for their quality sports and shooting games. It's a dark and deranged glimpse into the world of some of the nastiest serial killers in history. Get ready for a game that makes previously so-caled 'mature' games like Goldeneye and Turok 2 look like episodes of Playschool.

Article paru dans le magazine N64 Gamer 13 (Mars 1999) PDF

AnglaisMaking Of... Shadowman

Article paru dans le magazine NGC Magazine 66 (Avril 2002) PDF
