A Aero Gauge (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? B Banjo-Kazooie (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/1999 Blast Corps (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 C Castlevania (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Castlevania (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Castlevania (V 1.2 (B)) ??/??/???? Chameleon Twist 2 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1999 Cruis'n USA (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 Cruis'n USA (Players' Choice - Deuxième impression (V 1.2 (B))) 26/01/1999 Cruis'n USA (Players' Choice (V 1.2 (B))) 26/01/1999 Cruis'n World (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? D Diddy Kong Racing (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/1998 Diddy Kong Racing (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Doom 64 (V 1.1 (A)) 02/04/1997 E Excitebike 64 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/2000 F F-Zero X (V 1.1 (A)) 26/10/1998 G Gauntlet Legends (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/2000 H Hoshi no Kirby 64 (V 1.1 (A)) 24/03/2000 Hoshi no Kirby 64 (V 1.2 (B)) 24/03/2000 Hoshi no Kirby 64 (V 1.3 (C)) 24/03/2000 I International Superstar Soccer 2000 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/2000 K Killer Instinct Gold (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Killer Instinct Gold (V 1.2 (B)) ??/??/???? M Mario Kart 64 (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/1999 Mario Kart 64 (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) 10/02/1997 Mario Kart 64 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 Mario Kart 64 (Players' Choice - Quatrième impression (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Mario Kart 64 (Players' Choice - Troisième impression (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Mario Kart 64 (Players' Choice - Deuxième impression (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Mischief Makers (V 1.1 (A)) 01/10/1997 Mortal Kombat Trilogy (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Mortal Kombat Trilogy (V 1.2 (B)) ??/??/???? N NFL Blitz 2000 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1999 O Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (V 1.1 (A)) 14/07/1999 Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? P Perfect Dark (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/2000 Pokemon Stadium (Bundle avec un Transfer Pak (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Pokemon Stadium (Deuxième impression - Bundle avec un Transfer Pak (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Pokemon Stadium (Not For Resale (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Pokemon Stadium (Bundle avec un Transfer Pak (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Pokemon Stadium (Deuxième impression - Bundle avec un Transfer Pak (V 1.2 (B))) ??/??/???? R Resident Evil 2 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? S San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Scooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/12/1999 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (Deuxième impression (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/???? Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (Players' Choice (V 1.2 (B))) 26/01/1999 Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (Deuxième impression (V 1.2 (B))) ??/??/???? Starfox 64 (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) 26/01/1999 Super Mario 64 (Shindou Edition (V 1.1 (A))) 18/07/1997 T The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1998 The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Players' Choice (V 1.2 (B))) ??/??/2000 Tonic Trouble (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/1999 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Players' Choice (V 1.2 (B))) ??/01/1999 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (V 1.2 (B)) ??/??/1997 Turok: Rage Wars (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1999 W Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Wave Race 64 (Players' Choice (V 1.1 (A))) ??/??/1998 Wave Race 64 (Shindou Edition (V 1.1 (A))) 18/07/1997 Wave Race 64 (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Wave Race 64 (Shindou Edition (V 1.2 (B))) ??/??/1998 Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/1997 Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? WCW vs. NWO: World Tour (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? WWF No Mercy (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? WWF No Mercy (V 1.1 (A)) ??/??/???? Z Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina (V 1.1 (A)) 21/11/1998