Nintendo64EVER - Les jeux Nintendo 64 ayant des textes en Anglais
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Les jeux Nintendo 64 ayant des textes en Anglais

Il y a eu 346 jeux proposant cette langue sur Nintendo 64 (toutes versions confondues).

  Jeu Éditeur Date
Europe NASCAR '99 Electronic Arts ??/11/1998
Europe NBA Hangtime Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. 01/09/1997
Japon NBA In The Zone '98 Konami Co., Ltd. 29/01/1998
Japon NBA In The Zone 2 Konami Co., Ltd. 03/06/1999
Europe NBA In The Zone 2000 Konami Co., Ltd. ??/05/2000
France NBA Jam '99 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ??/12/1998
France NBA Jam 2000 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. 21/01/2000
Europe NBA Live 2000 Electronic Arts ??/12/1999
Europe NBA Live 99 Electronic Arts ??/12/1998
Europe NBA Pro 98 Konami Co., Ltd. ??/??/1998
Europe NBA Pro 99 Konami Co., Ltd. ??/??/1999
Europe NFL Quarterback Club '98 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ??/12/1997
Europe NFL Quarterback Club '99 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ??/12/1998
États-Unis NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. 31/08/1999
Europe NHL '99 Electronic Arts 30/11/1998
Europe NHL Breakaway '99 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ??/12/1998
France NHL Breakaway 98 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. 26/02/1998
Europe NHL Pro 99 Konami Co., Ltd. ??/09/1999
États-Unis Nightmare Creatures Activision Publishing, Inc. 30/11/1998
Japon Nintendo All-Star Dairantou Smash Brothers Nintendo Co., Ltd. 21/01/1999
Europe Nuclear Strike 64 THQ Inc. 03/03/2000
Europe Off Road Challenge Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. ??/09/1998
Europe Off Road Challenge (alt. serial) Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. ??/09/1998
Japon Olympic Hockey Nagano '98 Konami Co., Ltd. 16/07/1998
Europe Operation WinBack Virgin Interactive Entertainment Ltd. 07/07/2000
Europe Paper Mario Nintendo of Europe GmbH 05/10/2001
Europe Paperboy Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. ??/03/2000
Europe Penny Racers THQ Inc. 05/03/1999
États-Unis Perfect Dark Rareware Limited 20/05/2000
Europe Perfect Dark Rareware Limited 30/06/2000