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The content from magazine 64 Magazine 25
- Pages : 100
- Publishing date : April 1999
Games tested in this magazine
Beetle Adventure Racing : 92% (6 pages)
Mario Party : 86% (2 pages)
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 : 87% (4 pages)
NHL Breakaway '99 : 74% (2 pages)
Starshot: Space Circus Fever : 44% (2 pages)
Vigilante 8 : 90% (8 pages)
Articles published in this magazine
Walkthroughs published in this magazine
International Superstar Soccer 98 (2 pages)
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (3 pages)
WipeOut 64 (14 pages)
Previews published in this magazine
A Bug's Life (1 page)
All-Star Baseball 2000 (1 page)
California Speed (2 pages)
Lego Racers (4 pages)
Michael Owen's World League Soccer 2000 (2 pages)
Pokemon Snap (1 page)
Quake II (1 page)
Resident Evil 2 (1 page)
World Driver Championship (2 pages)
Magazine's scans
Paper bonuses
Nintendo 64 A-Z of cheats - Volume 3