Nintendo64EVER - Tests of Nintendo 64 games scanned into magazines
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Tests of Nintendo 64 games scanned into magazines

Bass Hunter 64

FrenchX64 22 (October 1999) : 70 %

Bass Masters 2000

EnglishNintendo Power 128 (January 2000) : 71 %

FrenchX64 26 (February 2000) : 0 %

Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker

FrenchActu & Soluces 64 7 (April 2001) : 25 %

EnglishElectronic Gaming Monthly 138 (January 2001) : 15 %

EnglishN64 49 (Christmas 2000) : 16 %

EnglishN64 Gamer 34 (December 2000) : 13 %

EnglishNintendo Power 138 (November 2000) : 56 %


EnglishArcade 06 (May 1999) : 60 %

FrenchConsoles + 085 (February 1999) : 81 %
