Nintendo64EVER - Every article related to Site on Nintendo 64
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Every article related to Site on Nintendo 64

Articles taken from magazines

GermanNintendo 64 an der Spitze des Fortschritts

Article published in the magazine 64 Power 1997/04 (April 1997)

EnglishThe Big Chill

Un article sur les jeux de sport d'hiver.

Article published in the magazine Edge 54 (January 1998) PDF

EnglishWomen in Video Games

Article published in the magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly 110 (September 1998) PDF

SpanishDe las cartas a los cartuchos

Historia de un imperio

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 03 (March 1998) PDF

SpanishA la sombra del Fuji-Yama

Un recorrido por la industria japonesa de juegos

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 05 (May 1998) PDF

SpanishEn busca del cartucho perdido

Embutido en su cazadora de cuero, entumecidos los dedos tras interminables jornadas de lucha contra un mando, el intrépido reportero de Magazine 64 se aventura en un peligroso viaje por la misteriosa tierra de los juegos perdidos...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 05 (May 1998) PDF

SpanishCómo... sobrevivir a lo más underground del mundo consolero

Algo acecha en la jungla elctrómica

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 07 (July 1998) PDF

SpanishLa Fórmula Misteriosa Química de los grandes juegos

¿Cuál es el secreto para fabricar un gran juego? ¿Qué ingredientes lleva y en qué proporciones? He aquí la piedra filosofal que todo desarrollador querría descubrir.

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 08 (August 1998) PDF

SpanishEl juego de la Evolución

O cómo se hace un juego

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 10 (October 1998) PDF

Spanish¿De qué van?

¿Te has parado a pensar alguna vez en la trama de algunos de ls juegos de la N64? Nosostros sí...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 22 (October 1999) PDF

SpanishHervidero de talentos

Esa interminable lista de nombres al final de un juego puede revelar mucho más de lo que te creías...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 23 (November 1999) PDF

SpanishJuegos de Cine

Un paseo por los juegos más influencias cinéfilas...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 27 (March 2000) PDF

SpanishMúsica jugeos y cintas de vídeo

Las andaduras y desventuras de tus personajes fuera de los cartuchos de tu consola...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 30 (June 2000) PDF

Spanish¿Qué ha sido de...?

Asomaron la cabeza por la esquina, pero luego desaparecieron. ¿Dónde están esos juegos que iban a arrasar?

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 30 (June 2000) PDF

SpanishMalos perdedores

¿Nunca os habéis preguntado por qué los malos nunca dan una? Aquí os ofrecemos algunas respuestas...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 31 (July 2000) PDF

SpanishSaltándose las leyes

Las leyes de la física no se pueden quebrantar así como así. A menos que seas un personaje Nintendo...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 32 (August 2000) PDF

Spanish¡Al rico artilugio!

¿Qué tienen de reales los chismes que acarrean en su mochila los personajes Nintendo?

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 33 (September 2000) PDF

Spanish¡Esa lengua!

Las aventuras de los juegos de N64 se embarcan para dar la vuelta al mundo...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 34 (October 2000) PDF

SpanishJuegos mentales

Demos un paseo por las retorcidas mentes de los desarrolladores de N64...

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 36 (December 2000) PDF

SpanishMario, Wario y Rock & Roll

Mario y su música. ¿Peor que Leonardo Dantés?

Article published in the magazine Magazine 64 38 (February 2001) PDF

EnglishHow to play Japanese!

Importing games is great. You get the latest N64 releases, sometimes up to twelve months before they hit British shores. And then you realise you can't understand a bally word...

Article published in the magazine N64 03 (June 1997) PDF

EnglishLand of the rising fun

Nintendo and Japan: the story so far.

Article published in the magazine N64 03 (June 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to survive in a Japanese Arcade

The best coin-op games begin life in Japan. So N64 Magazine's man in Tokyo, Max Everingham, was dispatched to the bustling arcades of Shinjuku and Akihabara to sample the machines we'll be playing in a few month's time - and possibly, eventually, with a favourable wind, on our N64s.

Article published in the magazine N64 04 (July 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... Make it trough E3 Alive!

Article published in the magazine N64 05 (August 1997) PDF

EnglishHow To... successfully visit a Japanese newsagent

N64 Magazine is the only magazine you'll ever need, of course. But what if you were in Japan, and couldn't get hold of it?

Article published in the magazine N64 07 (October 1997) PDF

EnglishSo, how do games actually work?

Now there's a question. Luckily, N64 Magazine isn't afraid of hard work, wand we set about discovering just what makes N64 games tick.

Article published in the magazine N64 07 (October 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... become a media tycoon

Reckon you can put together a better magazine than us, then? Here's how to go about it - with a few examples you prepared earlier.

Article published in the magazine N64 09 (December 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... make people believe anything

While half the world's population makes things, the other half turns them into 'products' and attempts to 'sell' them to 'demographics' using 'creative' 'campaigns'.

Article published in the magazine N64 09 (December 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... make your games good enough to eat

N64 gaming is all about expert hand/eye coordination, lightning reflexes and smug knowledge that you're playing on the best console there is. But a gamer without nourishment can sometimes find him or herself failing...

Article published in the magazine N64 09 (December 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... accessorise your N64

With Christmas coming up, your N64 will be busy compiling its letter to Santa. Here's N64 Magazine's pick of the plastic peripherals it's got to choose from.

Article published in the magazine N64 10 (Christmas 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... get your head around Pocket Monsters

In Japan, Pocket Monsters on the Game Boy is breaking all records. And it's coming to the N64 next year.

Article published in the magazine N64 10 (Christmas 1997) PDF

EnglishHow to... get the latest N64 games before everyone else.

N64 Magazine's guide to procuring games imported from America and Japan.

Article published in the magazine N64 12 (February 1998) PDF

EnglishThe 10 strangest things in video games

Article published in the magazine N64 21 (November 1998) PDF

EnglishThe 20 most jaw-dropping gaming moments

The N64. A fantastic machine. And here's the proof...

Article published in the magazine N64 28 (May 1999) PDF

EnglishMissing in Action

Article published in the magazine N64 33 (October 1999) PDF

EnglishGames on Film

Article published in the magazine N64 37 (January 2000) PDF

EnglishViolence in video games

There's no doubt about it - violence sells videogames, plain and simple. There's just that little mannerism that all humans seem to possess which drives us to play games where we can crush, kill, mame, bludgeon and destroy things.

Article published in the magazine N64 Gamer 07 (September 1998)

EnglishAccessories: The Ultimate Guide

By now all the games you received for Christmas will be, well and truly, beaten. Unfortunately, your parents, who don't understand how much of a champion you are at Nintendo, will expect you to be satisfied until your birthday, without buying any more games.

Article published in the magazine N64 Gamer 14 (April 1999) PDF

EnglishAround the World in 12 Video Games

Article published in the magazine NGC Magazine 64 (February 2002) PDF

EnglishThe Port Authority

Article published in the magazine NGC Magazine 64 (February 2002)

EnglishTales From the Script

Article published in the magazine NGC Magazine 65 (March 2002)

English1999 Nintendo Power Awards nominations

Article published in the magazine Nintendo Power 130 (March 2000) PDF

EnglishNintendo versus the World

Everyone's expecting big things from the Ultra 64 - Nintendo themselves, developers and consumers alike. But are Nintendo going to be find it all plain sailing? We're profiling the four big formats - PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO and PC - that the Ultra 64 will go head to head against in what promises to be the most fiercely fought videogame battle in history.

Article published in the magazine Super Play 39 (January 1996) PDF

EnglishRumour mill

Super Play's top N64 rumours of the month!

Article published in the magazine Super Play 45 (July 1996) PDF
