Nintendo64EVER - All the previews of Nintendo 64 games
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All the previews of Nintendo 64 games

Freak Boy

English GamePro 106 (July 1997)

Spanish Magazine 64 05 (May 1998)

English Q64 2 (July/August 1998)

Fushigi no Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren 2

French Consoles + 104 (September 2000)

Spanish Magazine 64 30 (June 2000)

Spanish Magazine 64 38 (February 2001)

English N64 09 (December 1997)

G.A.S.P!!: Fighter's NEXTream

English 64 Magazine 06 (November 1997)

English 64 Magazine 08 (Christmas 1997)

English 64 Magazine 10 (February 1998)
