Nintendo64EVER - The tests of Donald Duck: Quack Attack game on Nintendo 64
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The reviews of the game Donald Duck: Quack Attack

The reviews of the game Donald Duck: Quack Attack scanned in magazines

Average rating from magazines' reviews 78 %

French Actu & Soluces 64 7 (April 2001) : 91 %

French Consoles + 108 (January 2001) : 86 %

English Electronic Gaming Monthly 138 (January 2001) : 65 %

Spanish Magazine 64 37 (January 2001) : 80 %

English N64 49 (Christmas 2000) : 69 %

English Nintendo Power 138 (November 2000) : 77 %

Reviews of the game on other video games websites

Average rating from other websites' tests 70 %

  • English IGN : 70 %