Author Topic: Nintendo64EVER\'s progress in a few numbers.  (Read 15976 times)


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Nintendo64EVER\'s progress in a few numbers.
« on: Septembre 28, 2016, 01:22:42 pm »
We don't mention every addition made to the site but believe us, there are a lot every week. Here's a little overview of the site's content in a few numbers :
- <a href=""]1529 games[/url], including 1505 on Nintendo 64 and it's not over, we add eight new ones every Wednesday. The 10 Nintendo 64DD and 14 iQue Player games have been present on the site for a long time.
- <a href=""]189 unreleased games[/url], cancelled during their development, about which we try to gather as much information as we can.
- 550 descriptions copied from the back of the boxes of the games.
- <a href=",1,1.html"]355 Nintendo 64 games videos[/url], practically one of every released game!
- <a href=",-,1.html"]325 games music[/url], in direct streaming and available to download.
- Nearly <a href=",-,1.html"]5900 games pictures[/url], screenshots, advertisings and artworks.
- <a href=",1.html"]102 ports & remakes[/url] of Nintendo 64 games on more recent systems.
- <a href=""]65 Nintendo 64 bundles[/url], <a href=""]167 accessories[/url] and <a href=",1.html"]35 goodies[/url] referenced. These yet very incomplete sections will be the subject of particular attention and huge updates in 2017.
- <a href=""]1600 games magazines[/url] from 94 different series published all over the world. Nearly 11900 pages from these magazines have been scanned, allowing us to provide you with <a href=",1.html"]2700 reviews[/url], more than <a href=",-,1.html"]500 previews[/url] and <a href=",-,1.htmlé]400 walkthroughs[/url]. Each week, new magazines are unshelled and their content added to the site. This section will be slightly revamped before the end of the year.

All of this help to make Nintendo64EVER the biggest resources database for our favourite console, a collection still far from being 100% complete. If you want to help us, don't hesitate to introduce yourself on our <a href=""]board[/url] ;-)